The National Spiritual Assembly, on August 16, 1937, received the following cablegram from the Guardian:
"Shocked distressed premature passing esteemed beloved Lunt. Future generations will appraise his manifold outstanding contributions to rise and establishment Faith Baha’u’llah American continent. Community his bereaved co-workers could ill afford lose such critical period so fearless champion their Cause. Request entire body their National representatives assemble his grave pay tribute my behalf to him who so long and since inception acted as pillar institution they represent. Convey Boston community assurance prayers, deepest brotherly sympathy their cruel irreparable loss."
He was for more than a generation one of the most distinguished and useful servants of Baha’u’llah. He was well prepared by college and legal education at Harvard University. As a student he heard the Great Message from Dr. 'Ali-Kuli Khan, lecturing in the University. He obtained from it a life and inspiration toward achievement. He had very unusual abilities which shone in the field of writing and in his chosen profession, the law.