In 1929, when the distinguished Baha'i, Dr. Susan I. Moody, who
was then seventy-seven years of age, undertook to emigrate to Persia a second time
at the Guardian's request, she received his permission and hearty approval to take
Adelaide along with her to serve at the Tarbiyat School in the capital. The two
pioneers covered the first stretch of their journey by ship to the Holy Land
where the glory of pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines for twelve precious days was
heightened by the guidance and spiritual strength received from the beloved Guardian,
a bounty that would be their mainstay during the long and difficult years
Proceeding thence by the overland route to Tihran, Adelaide
settled in her post as the school's principal on arrival and discharged her
duties with exemplary diligence until the school was closed down. Ruhangiz Fath-'Azam
and Ishraqiyyih Dhaih collaborated with her in this arduous task and
were her unfailing support throughout this period.
After some two years' stay in Tihran, Adelaide asked the
Guardian if she might invite her mother over, too. Shoghi Effendi assented readily
and graciously cabled instructions to America for Mrs. Sharp's travel to
Tihran, and so it was that Clara Sharp found herself working in the cradle of
the Faith beside her daughter in the field of Baha'i education.
When the school was closed down, Adelaide Sharp stayed on in
Persia on the Guardian's advice and gradually organized classes for boys as
well as girls to study writings in English such as Baha'i Administration,
The Promised Day is Come, The World Order of Baha'u'llah and other superb
works from the Guardian's inspired pen. Many young Baha'is from these classes have
since risen to eminence in service to God's Faith within and without Persia's