In 1912, Miss Dorothea, Spinney, a friend of Margaret’s
sister, arrived in Auckland from London and stayed with Margaret at her home. Miss
Dorothea Spinney gave recitals of Greek plays. While staying with Margaret she
talked about the Bahá’í Cause and her own meeting with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. This
evidently touched a subconscious chord in Margaret.
To quote Margaret’s own words: “As a child, I used to wish I
had lived when Christ was on earth. As Miss Spinney spoke, I remembered my
childhood wish, and the thought came to me that I too might have denied Him as
so many others had done. It was this secret thought that made me seriously
think of what I heard from Miss Spinney, and through God’s grace and mercy I
was enabled to grasp and believe in Bahá’u’lláh and His Message”.